R. Haryo Bimo Setiarto(1*)
(1) Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Kawasan CSC Cibinong 16911, Jawa Barat
(*) Corresponding Author


Microbial fermentation can processes lignocelluloses rice straw become several commodity with high value economics. Aerobic fermentation will results compost, and carbondioxyde. Meanwhile, anaerobic fermentation will results silase, biogas, and sludge. This review focused to doing comparative study about prospect and potency bioconversion rice straw to become biogas, silase, and compost by using microbial fermentation based on technoeconomical parameter. Compost from rice straw fermentation using Trichoderma sp., Trametes sp., and Aspergillus sp. which have quality: C/N ratio (18.88), C (35.11%) , N (1.86%), P2O5 (0.21%), K2O (5,35%), water activity (55%), Ca (4.2%), Mg (0.5%), Cu (20 ppm), Mn (684 ppm) and Zn (144 ppm). Moreover, silase from rice straw fermentation using Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Plediococcus pentosomonas which have quality like acid flavour, it can not growth with fungi, it have green and yellow colour, pH 4.2, lactic acid composition (1.5-2.5%), butyric acid concentration (0.1%), acetic acid composition (0.5-0.8%), and composition N-NH3 (5-8%). Furthermore, biogas from rice straw fermentation using metanogenic bacteria (Methanobacterium and Methanobacillus) which have value 590 – 700 kcal per cubic, so it can results electricity energy from 1.25 to 1.50 kWH. It was equivalen with 0.5 kg liquid natural gas, 0.5 litres premium, and 0.5 litres diesel oil. From technoeconomical aspect, it can concluded that prospect bioconversion rice straw become biogas is more profitable to be applied in Indonesia based on parameter Benefit Cost Ratio because it will be gotten two advantages from once processes which are product biogas and compost from residual sludge.

Keywords: rice straw, fermentation, compost, silase, biogas




Fermentasi mikroba mampu mengolah limbah lignoselulosa jerami padi menjadi beberapa komoditas dengan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Fermentasi secara aerob akan menghasilkan kompos, dan karbondioksida. Sementara itu proses fermentasi secara anaerob akan menghasilkan silase, biogas dan sludge. Review ini bertujuan melakukan studi komparatif terhadap prospek dan potensi pemanfaatan jerami padi menjadi biogas, silase maupun kompos melalui fermentasi mikroba ditinjau dari aspek teknis maupun ekonomis. Kompos jerami padi hasil fermentasi Trichoderma sp., Tremates sp., dan Aspergillus sp. memiliki kualitas: rasio C/N (18,88), C (35,11%) , N (1,86%), P2O5 (0,21%), K2O (5,35%), kadar air (55%), Ca 4,2%, Mg (0,5%), Cu (20 ppm), Mn (684 ppm) dan Zn (144 ppm). Kualitas produk silase jerami padi hasil fermentasi Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus plantarum, dan Plediococcus pentosomonas adalah berbau asam, tidak berjamur, berwarna hijau kekuningan, memiliki pH 4,2; kandungan asam laktat 1,5-2,5%, kandungan asam butirat 0,1%, kandungan asam asetat 0,5-0,8%; dan kandungan N-NH3 5-8%. Biogas jerami padi hasil fermentasi bakteri metanogenik Methanobacterium dan Methanobacillus memiliki nilai kalor 590 – 700 kkal per kubik, sehingga mampu membangkitkan energi listrik sebesar 1,25 – 1,50 kWH dan dapat disetarakan dengan 0,5 kg gas alam cair, 0,5 liter bensin, dan 0,5 liter minyak diesel. Secara ekonomi, prospek pemanfaatan jerami padi menjadi biogas lebih menguntungkan untuk diaplikasikan di Indonesia berdasarkan parameter Benefit Cost Ratio karena akan diperoleh dua keuntungan dalam satu kali proses produksi yaitu produk biogas serta kompos yang berasal dari sludge residu.

Kata kunci: jerami padi, fermentasi, kompos, silase, biogas

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