Analisis Mutu Proses Produksi Kertas Dupleks dengan Mempertimbangkan Waktu Kerusakan untuk Meminimumkan Biaya Cacat

Asti Widayanti(1*), Ike Rostika(2)
(1) Universitas Telkom
(2) Center for Pulp and Paper, Ministry of Industry
(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini menganalisis kualitas proses produksi kertas dupleks yang diproduksi PT.X paper mill dan menentukan waktu pemeliharaan optimum yang meminimumkan biaya cacat, dengan identifikasi proses produksi dominan penyebab cacat menggunakan Statistical Process Control (SPC). Tahapan yang paling dominan dalam terjadinya cacat pada proses produksi kertas dupleks paper machine 3 adalah proses coating yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi perusahaan sebesar 32,96% atau Rp893.140.000,00. Cacat pada proses coating disebabkan faktor bahan, mesin, operator dan pengukuran pengujian, dengan
faktor mesin berkontribusi terbesar yaitu 81,50%. Waktu antar kerusakan pada proses coating memiliki model proses posson non homogen model power law dengan rata-rata 4 jam. Waktu pemeliharaan pencegahan optimum mesin coating adalah setelah mesin beroperasi 199,32 jam dengan resiko biaya Rp13.719.929,00. Resiko biaya ini senilai Rp602.983.033,00 setahun atau mengurangi biaya cacat pada proses coating Rp290.156.967,00.


Analysis Quality of Production Process Duplex Paper by Considering Failure Time to Minimize Failure Cost


This research analyzing the quality of the PT. X duplex paper production process and determine the optimum maintenance time that can minimize failure cost, through identification of the dominant production process that causes defects by using the Statistical Process Control (SPC). Coating process are the most dominant stages in the occurrence of defects in the duplex paper machine 3, which resulted in a loss for the company of 32.96% or Rp893,140,000.00. Defects in the coating process are caused by material, machine, operator and test measurements, with machine factor as the largest contributor by 81.50%. The time between failure in the coating process have non-homogeneous posson process, power law model with a mean time of 4 hours. The optimum preventative maintenance time for a coating machine is after a 199.32 hour operation with a risk of Rp13,719,929.00. This cost risk is Rp602,983,033.00 a year or reduce the defects cost in the coating process by Rp290,156,967.00.


dupleks; statistical process control; cacat; waktu antar kerusakan; biaya

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