Chandra Apriana Purwita(1*), Sonny Kurnia Wirawan(2)
(1) Center for Pulp and Paper, Ministry of Industry
(2) Center for Pulp and Paper, Ministry of Industry
(*) Corresponding Author


Biodeinking is a process of separating ink on the fiber surface by enzymes. This research was conducted to study and optimize biodeinking condition of sorted white ledger (SWL) by cellulase. Commercial cellulase (Sigma Aldrich, Singapore) at a dose of 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1; 2 U/g dry weight pulp was applied to the deinking of SWL and compared with blank. The deinked pulp was then analyzed for the fiber morphology and made laboratory hand sheets for the characterization of physical and optical properties. Based on the experiment, at the optimum dose of cellulase 0.75 IU/g dry weight pulp was obtained a maximum increasement of ISO brightness by 4.7 points and a decreasement of ERIC by 34.45%. The use of celulase on the biodeinking was not affecting the fibers length and diameter so the tensile and tear index of deinked pulp unchanged. Loss of fines by enzymatic degradation causes the tear index decreased by 8.70 % and porosity increased. The increasement of coarseness resulted in the decreasement of pulp opacity.


Biodeinking merupakan proses pemisahan tinta pada permukaan serat menggunakan enzim. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari dan memperoleh kondisi optimum biodeinking sorted white ledger (SWL) menggunakan selulase. Selulase komersial (Sigma Aldrich, Singapura) dengan dosis 0,25; 0,5; 0,75; 1; 2 U/g kering pulp diaplikasikan pada deinking SWL dan dibandingkan terhadap blanko. Pulp deinked yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan analisis morfologi serat dan dibuat lembaran tangan laboratorium untuk karakterisasi sifat fisik dan optik. Berdasarkan percobaan, pada dosis optimum selulase 0,75 IU/g kering pulp diperoleh kenaikan derajat cerah ISO maksimum sebesar 4,7 poin dan penurunan ERIC 34,45%. Analisis morfologi serat menunjukkan penggunaan selulase pada proses biodeinking tidak berpengaruh terhadap panjang dan diameter serat sehingga indeks tarik dan retak pulp deinked tidak berubah. Kehilangan fines karena degradasi enzimatik menyebabkan indeks sobek turun sebesar 8,70% dan porositas naik. Naiknya nilai coarseness menyebabkan meningkatnya opasitas pulp deinked.


biodeinking, sorted white ledger (SWL), cellulase

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