Produksi Bahan Bakar Minyak dari Pirolisis Pelet Hydropulper Reject Industri Kertas

Syamsudin Syamsudin(1*), Reza Bastari Imran Wattimena(2), Ibrahim Syaharuddin(3), Andri Taufick Rizaluddin(4), Reza Bastari Imran Wattimena(5)
(1) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(2) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(3) Institut Teknologi Nasional
(4) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(5) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(*) Corresponding Author


Konsumsi kertas bekas di industri kertas Indonesia mencapai 6.598.464 ton/tahun dan menghasilkan hydropulper reject sebesar 5-10% dari kertas bekas yang digunakan. Penelitian pirolisis hydropulper reject dari industri kertas untuk produksi bio-oil telah dilakukan. Tipikal limbah hydropulper reject terdiri dari 20% serat dan 80% plastik (High Density Polyethylene, HDPE >90%). Bahan padat tersebut berpotensi dikonversi menjadi bahan bakar minyak melalui proses pirolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pirolisis pelet hydropulper reject untuk produksi bio-oil sebagai bahan bakar minyak. Setelah dipisahkan dari logam, hydropulper reject dikeringkan, dicacah, dan dibentuk menjadi pelet berdiameter 10 mm dan panjang 20-30 mm. Nilai kalor pelet hydropulper reject mencapai 29,30 MJ/kg (dried based, db) dengan kadar zat terbang 84,84% (db). Pelet hydropulper reject dipirolisis dengan reaktor kombinasi pembakaran-pirolisis. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa bio-oil mampu bakar sebanyak ±40% bahan baku dengan nilai kalor 77,79 MJ/kg. Perkiraan listrik yang dapat dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan syngas sebesar 1,08 kWh/kg hydropulper reject.

Kata kunci: hydropulper reject, pirolisis, bio-oil, syngas, listrik

Production of Oil Fuel From Pyrolysis of Hydropulper Reject Pellet from Paper Industry



Waste paper consumption in Indonesian paper industries reached 6,598,464 tons/year and produced hydropulper reject about 5-10% of waste paper. Pyrolysis of hydropulper reject from the paper industry for bio-oil production has been investigated. Hydropulper reject consists of 20% fiber and 80% plastic (High Density Polyethylene, HDPE>90%). This solid material has potential to be converted into oil fuel through pyrolysis. This study aims to investigate the pyrolysis of hydropulper reject pellets for bio-oil as fuel oil production. After being separated from the metals, hydropulper reject was dried, shredded, and shaped into pellets with 10 mm diameter and 20-30 mm length. The pellets had calorific value of 29.30 MJ/kg (dried based, db) with volatile matter 84.84% (db). The pellets were pyrolized with a combustion-pyrolysis combination reactor. The product was combustible bio-oil as much as ±40% of feedstock and had calorific value of 77.79 MJ/kg. Estimated electricity generated from syngas utilization about 1.08 kWh/kg.


Keywords: hydropulper reject, pyrolysis, bio-oil, syngas, electricity



hydropulper reject, pirolisis, bio-oil, syngas, listrik

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