Studi Kasus Proyek Co-Benefit Peningkatan Efisiensi Boiler Batubara di Industri Kertas

Syamsudin Syamsudin(1*), Katsushige Takami(2), Shoji Kita(3), Yusup Setiawan(4), Reza Bastari Imran Wattimena(5), Andri Taufick Rizaluddin(6)
(1) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(2) Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.
(3) Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.
(4) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(5) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(6) Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas
(*) Corresponding Author


Pertumbuhan industri yang pesat menyebabkan masalah emisi gas rumah kaca. Kegiatan co-benefit peningkatan efisiensi boiler batubara telah dilakukan di industri kertas dalam proyek “Co-benefit Indonesia Tahun 2018” dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Jepang dengan tujuan melakukan identifikasi langkah-langkah yang terkait dengan konservasi energi dan penurunan polutan emisi boiler industri berbahan bakar batubara dan cara melakukannya. Identifikasi meliputi analisis efisiensi termal boiler, pengukuran kadar air batubara, pengukuran kualitas air umpan boiler, air blowdown, dan kondensat, pemeriksaan insulasi panas, pengaturan rasio udara pembakaran, dan pengendalian operasi multi boiler. Berbagai kehilangan panas dianalisis dan beberapa rekomendasi diberikan untuk implementasi di pabrik sehingga efisiensi boiler dapat ditingkatkan. Beberapa masalah yang perlu diperbaiki untuk konservasi energi meliputi penggunaan batubara dengan kadar air tinggi, rasio udara pembakaran tinggi, konduktivitas air umpan tinggi menyebabkan rasio blowdown tinggi, tidak dilakukan insulasi pada mesin produksi yang relatif tua, dan pengoperasian beberapa boiler dengan efisiensi rendah. Potensi perbaikan melalui penyesuaian kadar air batubara, perbaikan rasio udara pembakaran, optimalisasi rasio blowdown, pemulihan air kondensat, pemasangan insulasi, dan kontrol multi boiler secara teori menghasilkan reduksi konsumsi batubara 16.445 ton/tahun atau 48,63%, dan reduksi CO2 sebesar 19.589 tCO2/tahun dengan estimasi penghematan biaya Rp 12 milyar/tahun.


Kata kunci: co-benefit, industri kertas, boiler, batubara, emisi.

Case Study of Co-Benefit Project Improvement of Coal Boiler Efficiency in The Paper Industry



Industrial rapid growth has caused greenhouse gas emissions problems. Co-benefit activities to improve the efficiency of coal boilers have been carried out in paper industry in the project of “Co-benefit Indonesia FY 2018” from the Japan Ministry of Environment aimed at identifying required steps to save energy and reduction of pollutant emission from the coal-fired industrial boilers and how to achieve it. Identification include analysis of boiler thermal efficiency, coal moisture content measurement, boiler feed water, blowdown water and condensate quality measurement, heat insulation examination, combustion air ratio management, and control of multiple boiler operations. Various heat losses have been analyzed and some recommendations have been proposed to be implemented by factory management to improve boiler efficiency. There are several issues that need to be addressed for energy conservation, namely: high water content coal utilization, high combustion air ratio, high conductivity feed water which causes high blowdown ratios, no insulation on relatively old production machines, and operational of several low efficiency boilers. The results of the co-benefit identification indicated that the potential for corrective action by adjusting the coal water content, improving the combustion air ratio, optimizing the blowdown ratio, recovering condensate water, installing insulation, and controlling multiple boilers theoretically can result coal consumption reduction of 16,445 tons/year or 48.63%, and CO2 reduction of 19,589 tCO2/year with an estimated cost savings of Rp 12 billion/year.


co-benefit; industri kertas; boiler; batubara; emisi

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